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  1. Dianna,
    Thanks for the devotion it is so true we only want the outer beauty to be seen but the most important beauty is our inside beauty that God has given us and we need to share that with others.

    Glad to hear you and your family are doing well. I am doing well along with my family. Just a little change in my life last week my job at local hospital was out sources so at this time I am not working. My husband told me as tears rolling down my cheeks that we will be fine. I am really trying hard to leave it all in God’s hand and he will take care of us and I know that because he is in control. May ask you to add me and my family to your prayer time. As a friend told me earlier this week God has a plan for me to wait and listen for God’s still small voice to speak to me.
    You take care and I always love to hear from Dressed in Faith. Have a good rest of your night.

    1. I am so sorry to hear about your job. I certainly will pray for you and your family!! Sending many hugs and blessings!!