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  1. Hi Dianna! I always love your posts, but particularly like when you add a devotion, If we as women learn that we are made in God’s image and are beautiful AS WE ARE, our confidence is boosted, and God is glorified because we are focused on serving Him. Good to hear you remain cancer free:-)

    1. Thank you so much Patty! Yes, I try to add a devotion once a week. I used to try to add a short one under each of my fashion and beauty posts. I’ve thought about changing back to that format, but it used to stress me out so much if I didn’t have a clear thought or topic to write about on any given day – it was more than I could handle! I’m a wannabe writer with no training. Lol I just try to follow God’s leading and write as I can. Thanks for reading!

  2. Thank you for that. I too am a breast cancer survivor. I had a lumpectomy followed by a re-excision and a year later another re-excision. I had radiation but no chemo. Undressed, it’s very noticeable but usually when dressed it’s not- a padded bra and ‘petals’ help. Also, patterned tops but I do wear solid color tops too. I have worn Land’s End bathing suits for years because they have more support and last longer but I was still always self-conscious of my body. This summer I was much more comfortable in my bathing suit because I was just so glad to be cancer free! I didn’t care if I looked a little lopsided or had big hips! It was so freeing! We should all be thankful for our health and stop worrying so much about what others think of how we look.

    1. Dianna Miller says:

      Cindy, thank you for sharing! I am so glad you are cancer free! It is very freeing to be happy and content with ourselves imperfections and all! I bet you were rocking that swimsuit!

  3. Dianna, thank you for this. I had breast cancer and bilateral mastectomies with reconstruction. I miss my breasts very much, but don’t regret my decision. My desire was to do everything I could to be able to live to be there for my children and grandchildren. God has been very gracious to me. When I look in the mirror, I am scarred and not what I used to be, but through this and other events, God is shaping me to the image of his Son. Your piece was beautifully written and so true.

    1. Yes, God has been very gracious to me too! He has certainly made us stronger through this! And I feel as you do, grateful to be here with my family!!